by Scott Weeman | Jan 27, 2016 | Alcohol & Drug Addiction, Prayer & Scripture Reflections, The Twelve Steps
A man named Brock introduced me to the Good News of Jesus Christ. He did not give me a book about Jesus and tell me to read it. He did not give me a DVD series to watch and tell me to press play. He did not give me a CD with Christian talks and ask me to report back...
by Scott Weeman | Jan 4, 2016 | Alcohol & Drug Addiction
“New Years resolutions: A procrastinators dream! You have twelve months to accomplish whatever you want while no one holds you accountable to it.” Sounds right to me. Self improvement is something that we all strive for and can encompass many aspects of our lives. ...
by Scott Weeman | Aug 13, 2015 | Alcohol & Drug Addiction, Prayer & Scripture Reflections
Have you ever been baffled by the choice of a person you love to resort back to the source of their pain to relieve their pain? Have you ever found yourself in a spot where you couldn’t delineate the difference between your problem and your solution? Whether you’ve...
by Scott Weeman | Jul 25, 2015 | Alcohol & Drug Addiction, Personal Testimonies, Personal Testimony
I took my first drink on a late evening in May, 2002. I was 17 years old. “Don’t think so much about how it’s going to taste, but think about how good it will make you feel,” was the instruction I was given while walking along a set of abandoned train tracks, my...