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How to Take a Daily Moral Inventory in Light of the Beatitudes (Part 2)

How to Take a Daily Moral Inventory in Light of the Beatitudes (Part 2)

In part one of this series, Mark L. details how the first three Beatitudes can help us in our recovery and spiritual lives “Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.” This Beatitude suggests we must actively pursue God and...

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How to Take a Daily Moral Inventory in Light of the Beatitudes (Part 2)

How to Take a Daily Moral Inventory in Light of the Beatitudes (Part 1)

The first formal Step Four a recovering person makes can be likened to the preparation for a “general Confession” made by a Catholic who has returned to the Church after being away or been received into the Church for the first time. This in-depth and thorough...

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Arming Ourselves for Spiritual Warfare: Critical Weapons to Combat Evil and Maintain Recovery

Arming Ourselves for Spiritual Warfare: Critical Weapons to Combat Evil and Maintain Recovery

We are fallen but redeemed by Jesus. He wants to claim what’s His: our souls. However, the spiritual war between Christ and the devil for our souls never stops raging in this life. Therefore, similar to physical warfare, we must arm ourselves with weapons to defeat...

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The Extraordinary Benefits of Eucharistic Adoration (Part 2)

The Extraordinary Benefits of Eucharistic Adoration (Part 2)

In the first article of this two-part series, I shared with you the benefits of regularly participating in an hour of Eucharistic adoration and offered some advice on how to fully experience freedom from sin, temptation, and addiction. I want to now explain how...

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How to Overcome Falling Indefinitely to Pornography and Masturbation

How to Overcome Falling Indefinitely to Pornography and Masturbation

“I hate myself! I just made a great confession and felt clean and blessed. So, why did I commit this sin yet again?” I often had the above thought when I fell to sexual sin and before I took my recovery from pornography and masturbation seriously. Perhaps it’s a...

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