Taking custody of the mind is a topic that always piques much interest when brought up in recovery meetings. Those of us who struggle with addictions, compulsions, and unhealthy attachments recognize the mind as a battlefield. I was introduced to the concept of...
Psychology & Therapy
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A Look at Internal Family Systems Therapy for Adult Children of Dysfunctional Homes
Mar 1, 2023 | Adult Children of an Alcoholic, Psychology & Therapy, Therapy | 0 Comments
In ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics) and ACDH (Adult Children of Dysfunctional Homes) meetings, we often hear about people doing IFS (Internal Family Systems) therapy. So I decided to do a little research and discovered Souls and Hearts founded by Dr. Peter...
Acceptance as the Answer to All Our Problems: Part 2
May 4, 2022 | Catholic Psychology, Psychology & Therapy, Therapy | 0 Comments
In part one of this series, I wrote about the recovery principle of acceptance and how through acceptance we can begin to live “life on life’s terms.” Yet, how can we practically live “life on life’s terms”? Philosophers divide knowledge into theoretical and practical...
Recovery Insights on the Gift and Challenge of Loving Family
Nov 17, 2021 | Family, Loved One of an Addict, Psychology & Therapy, Therapy | 0 Comments
This past summer, I’ve been able to return home for weddings on three separate occasions. And my parents came out to visit me after one of the weddings, too. So, despite being a few states away, I’ve gotten to see my parents quite a bit this past summer. One of my...
How Forgiveness Has Played a Crucial Role in My Recovery
Aug 18, 2021 | Family, Loved One of an Addict, Mercy, Psychology & Therapy, Therapy | 0 Comments
My journey to recovery began with forgiving my dad. After he passed away in April 2020, I knew there was still bitterness and resentment in my heart toward him and I wanted to be free from it. The forgiveness process was painfully beautiful, and it showed me how safe...
What Is Spiritual Direction and Why Does It Matter?
Jul 21, 2021 | God, Psychology & Therapy, Spiritual Tools, Sponsorship/Mentorship, Therapy | 0 Comments
As I have grown in my understanding of sacred Scripture and matured in my relationship with Jesus I have come to appreciate the value of spiritual direction. As Saint Paul reminds us when he tells us, “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me” (Galatians...
The Extraordinary Benefits of Eucharistic Adoration (Part 2)
Jul 7, 2021 | Eucharist, Mercy, Pornography & Sexual Addiction, Prayer, Psychology & Therapy, Sacraments, Sex/Pornography, Spiritual Tools, The Sacraments, Therapy | 0 Comments
In the first article of this two-part series, I shared with you the benefits of regularly participating in an hour of Eucharistic adoration and offered some advice on how to fully experience freedom from sin, temptation, and addiction. I want to now explain how...
Understanding Sexual Addiction as a “Courtship Disorder”
Apr 28, 2021 | Pornography & Sexual Addiction, Psychology & Therapy, Sex/Pornography | 0 Comments
Not too long ago, I was sitting at the bar following a volleyball match, when I was awakened to a moment I needed to spend with my soul. As I found myself alone, left by my teammates who all had gone home, I was quietly attuned to the television, which was playing the...
How a Mental Health Disorder Can Greatly Affect Our Recovery
Dec 21, 2020 | Psychology & Therapy, Therapy | 0 Comments
In some of my previous articles, I may have mentioned my diagnosis with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) but I haven’t really written about it at great length. Nor have I articulated it in reference to my recovery journey. I’m convinced both in my experience of...
A Reflection on Attachment, Addiction, Psychology, and Spiritual Formation: Part Four
Sep 29, 2020 | Alcohol & Drug Addiction, Other Addictions, Psychology & Therapy, The Twelve Steps | 1 Comment
Attachment, as we have seen in previous articles (Part One, Part Two, and Part Three), is central to addiction, recovery, and spiritual growth. But what do St. Ignatius and St. John of the Cross mean by “attachments”? And how does that tie to our recovery from...