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3 Crucial Ways St. Joseph Assists Our Recovery and Spiritual Life

3 Crucial Ways St. Joseph Assists Our Recovery and Spiritual Life

The month of March is an important month in the Catholic Church’s liturgical calendar. Not only does this month occur during the Lenten season, but over thirty saints are celebrated over the course of the month’s 31 days. What a gift that the Church holds up so many...

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Arming Ourselves for Spiritual Warfare: Critical Weapons to Combat Evil and Maintain Recovery

Arming Ourselves for Spiritual Warfare: Critical Weapons to Combat Evil and Maintain Recovery

We are fallen but redeemed by Jesus. He wants to claim what’s His: our souls. However, the spiritual war between Christ and the devil for our souls never stops raging in this life. Therefore, similar to physical warfare, we must arm ourselves with weapons to defeat...

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