by Chris | Jun 27, 2019 | Alcohol & Drug Addiction, Prayer & Scripture Reflections, Spiritual Tools, The Twelve Steps
Love and service go hand in hand, whether it be within our families, communities, Catholic in Recovery groups, 12-step fellowships, or parish ministries. We are called to pour the love and blessings we have received from God out onto others. In recovery, we learn to...
by Chris | Jun 20, 2019 | Alcohol & Drug Addiction, Pornography & Sexual Addiction, Prayer & Scripture Reflections, Spiritual Tools, The Twelve Steps
As I started looking back on my grace-filled release from my porn addiction, I tried to understand and explain to others my escape route. Many have asked me over the last two years what the “secret” is. After almost 40 years of being trapped, now being at...
by Chris | May 2, 2019 | Prayer & Scripture Reflections, Spiritual Tools, The Sacraments, The Twelve Steps
My Catholic faith has always been a major part of my recovery since day one. Being continuously told from the beginning that selfishness was at the root of all my troubles, I knew I had to change. And what model better to follow for unselfishness than that of Jesus?...
by Scott Weeman | Aug 3, 2017 | Prayer & Scripture Reflections, Spiritual Tools
I’m a pretty sensitive guy. When I get choked up at weddings or during special moments, it comes to no surprise to my wife, friends, or family members there to witness it. However, I have lately found myself getting even more emotional than usual. Just the other day,...
by Scott Weeman | Apr 13, 2017 | Alcohol & Drug Addiction, Prayer & Scripture Reflections, Spiritual Tools
“You and I are going on a journey together, and neither one of us is coming back,” Michael said as I gazed back at him, utterly confused yet somewhat understanding at the same time. Then he started to wash my feet. I was bearing witness to the practice set...