by Chris | Oct 25, 2023 | 12-Step Meetings, Community, Getting Sober
I’ve heard it said that “Home is the place where you have to go, and they have to take you.” For many of us in addiction recovery, whether as addicts or their loved ones, there’s a lot of baggage around “having” to go home and “having” to be accepted there. So when we...
by Chris | Oct 11, 2023 | Family, Loved One of an Addict, Pornography & Sexual Addiction, Sex/Pornography
We still hadn’t even finished writing out the thank you notes for the wedding gifts when the effects of my husband’s lust addiction first hit hard. We had been married for less than three months. It was a rainy Friday night, and I’d made it home from work first. I’d...
by Chris | Oct 4, 2023 | Adult Children of an Alcoholic, Help from the Saints, Loved One of an Addict, Saints—On Earth & in Heaven
For Adult Children of Dysfunctional Homes, the journey of healing is often paved with the need to establish and maintain healthy boundaries. These boundaries are not merely about self-preservation; they are about fostering an environment where love, compassion, and...
by Chris | Sep 27, 2023 | Loved One of an Addict, Pornography & Sexual Addiction, Sex/Pornography
The night I visited my first meeting for family and friends of lust addicts, I heard so many new terms in the space of that hour that, for a second, I wondered if I’d landed on another planet. None of the words were exactly foreign, but the folks in that meeting used...
by Chris | Sep 20, 2023 | Compulsive Eating Behaviors
Diet culture is everywhere. We’re constantly bombarded with messages about losing weight, eating “clean,” and achieving the “perfect” body. The latest diet fads on magazine covers at the grocery checkout hound us. TV commercials about food plans, diets, food...