by Chris | Nov 16, 2022 | 12-Step Meetings, Addiction, Codependence, Getting Sober, Loved One of an Addict, Personal Testimonies, Personal Testimony, Pornography & Sexual Addiction, Sex/Pornography
I remember the moment I came to terms with my addiction: the moment I stepped out of denial and into God’s healing light. I had no idea what would happen. I was scared and overwhelmed with guilt and shame. I had gone almost twenty years without openly acknowledging...
by Chris | Nov 1, 2022 | Addiction, Compulsive Eating Behaviors, Other Addictions
Everybody in any kind of recovery knows how cunning and patient those old thought patterns are, just waiting to sneak back up on us in the middle of a stressful day. So it really wasn’t any surprise to me when, on one of those recent stressful days, I was passing by...
by Chris | Oct 19, 2022 | Compulsive Eating Behaviors, Getting Sober, God, Other Addictions, Prayer & Scripture Reflections
Even before entering into recovery for my food addiction, I had heard a slogan that kind of, sort of made sense…but didn’t really. Don’t just do something. Sit there. I knew at least intellectually that it meant, “Stop trying so hard. Stop being a perfectionist. Let...
by Chris | Oct 5, 2022 | 12-Step Sponsorship, Fourth Step, Sponsorship/Mentorship
“I think and judge it best for you to follow me, and I shall guide you, where you shall hear the howls of desperation and see the ancient spirits in their pain… When he advanced, I followed and I entered the steep and savage path…” Inferno (Cantos 2, 3) I was...
by Chris | Sep 14, 2022 | Community
About four years ago, before I got involved with Catholic in Recovery, I started to see some of the fault lines and divisions in the Church. It was at this moment that I began to shift my thinking from “the Twelve Steps need the Church” to “the Church needs the 12...