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Strategies for Combating the Devil & Spiritual Evil in Recovery

Strategies for Combating the Devil & Spiritual Evil in Recovery

As a faithful member of Catholic in Recovery and Alcoholics Anonymous, I’m abundantly blessed to have so many avenues at my disposal to remain sober and grateful to be able to share my experience, strength, and hope with others. But what if I told you that even with a...

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Claiming St. Joseph as a Model of Holiness this Advent

Claiming St. Joseph as a Model of Holiness this Advent

The leaves are off the trees. Thanksgiving has come and gone. And stores and shops are playing Christmas music. As Christians, we are preparing now for the birth of our Savior. And specifically as Catholics, we are in the midst of Advent, which marks the end of the...

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The Extraordinary Benefits of Eucharistic Adoration (Part 2)

The Extraordinary Benefits of Eucharistic Adoration (Part 2)

In the first article of this two-part series, I shared with you the benefits of regularly participating in an hour of Eucharistic adoration and offered some advice on how to fully experience freedom from sin, temptation, and addiction. I want to now explain how...

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