First Step

The Power of Surrender for Adult Children: Insights from Saint Joseph & Saint Thérèse for Step 1

The Power of Surrender for Adult Children: Insights from Saint Joseph & Saint Thérèse for Step 1

In our journey of recovery, Step 1—“We admitted we were powerless over the effects of living with alcoholism and that our lives had become unmanageable”—stands as a beacon of self-awareness and courage for adult children of dysfunctional homes. Drawing wisdom from the...

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“Restored”: A Poem

“Restored”: A Poem

Feebly I bowed my head Arriving at the edge of the cliff I breathed in despair Exhaled despondency Floating numbly I slipped Surrendering into the abyss Somehow I heard Your whispering To me "Finally" Your heart Gently secured my frozen soul Took away all...

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