Saints—On Earth & in Heaven

3 Crucial Ways St. Joseph Assists Our Recovery and Spiritual Life

3 Crucial Ways St. Joseph Assists Our Recovery and Spiritual Life

The month of March is an important month in the Catholic Church’s liturgical calendar. Not only does this month occur during the Lenten season, but over thirty saints are celebrated over the course of the month’s 31 days. What a gift that the Church holds up so many...

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A Reflection on Attachment, Addiction, Psychology, and Spiritual Formation: Part Five

A Reflection on Attachment, Addiction, Psychology, and Spiritual Formation: Part Five

Attachment, as we have seen in previous articles (Part One, Part Two, Part Three, and Part Four), is central to addiction, recovery, and spiritual growth. St. Ignatius of Loyola describes his Spiritual Exercises as “every way of preparing and disposing the soul to rid...

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