Getting Sober


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Overcoming Alcoholism & Unhealthy Eating through the “Spiritual Toolkit” of the Twelve Steps

Overcoming Alcoholism & Unhealthy Eating through the “Spiritual Toolkit” of the Twelve Steps

I am a miracle. I am a recovering alcoholic and anorexic. It is my hope that by sharing my experience of addiction and recovery, I can bring awareness to others that there is a solution, and that through it they may experience a “spiritual awakening.” A spiritual...

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All Things Unholy: From Sexual Addiction to Merciful Liberation

All Things Unholy: From Sexual Addiction to Merciful Liberation

I remember the moment I came to terms with my addiction: the moment I stepped out of denial and into God’s healing light. I had no idea what would happen. I was scared and overwhelmed with guilt and shame. I had gone almost twenty years without openly acknowledging...

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