Help from the Saints

Applying St. Ignatius’ Rules of Discernment to the Recovery Journey: Part Two

Applying St. Ignatius’ Rules of Discernment to the Recovery Journey: Part Two

Rule 1 of St. Ignatius’ “rules of discernment” stands alone in many ways, describing the experience of one who is moving in the wrong direction, away from God, and towards vice and sin. In a modern sense, this first rule also describes those of us who are diving into...

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The Power of Surrender for Adult Children: Insights from Saint Joseph & Saint Thérèse for Step 1

The Power of Surrender for Adult Children: Insights from Saint Joseph & Saint Thérèse for Step 1

In our journey of recovery, Step 1—“We admitted we were powerless over the effects of living with alcoholism and that our lives had become unmanageable”—stands as a beacon of self-awareness and courage for adult children of dysfunctional homes. Drawing wisdom from the...

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Embracing Boundaries: Lessons from Saint Thérèse of Lisieux for Adult Children of Dysfunctional Homes

Embracing Boundaries: Lessons from Saint Thérèse of Lisieux for Adult Children of Dysfunctional Homes

For Adult Children of Dysfunctional Homes, the journey of healing is often paved with the need to establish and maintain healthy boundaries. These boundaries are not merely about self-preservation; they are about fostering an environment where love, compassion, and...

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There’s Something About Mary: How the Blessed Mother Is Leading Me Back to the Church

There’s Something About Mary: How the Blessed Mother Is Leading Me Back to the Church

Ever since I can remember, there was always something about Mary that drew me in. I would never share this with any non-Catholic but the truth is I’ve only recently felt drawn to God the Father and Jesus. The Holy Spirit, despite being somewhat nebulous and...

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Dante and Recovery Part 3: Vice, Virtue, and Character Defects (Cont.)

Dante and Recovery Part 3: Vice, Virtue, and Character Defects (Cont.)

In the previous article, we journeyed with Dante from the first terrace of Mt. Purgatory to the fourth, covering the sins or character defects of pride, envy, wrath, and sloth. Dante sees firsthand how the souls are purified from their attachments to particular sins...

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Seeing the Church as Our Loving Mother

Seeing the Church as Our Loving Mother

A few weeks ago, my wife and I were talking about the messiness of my relationship with my mom, and a video I had recently watched online popped into my head. The video began with sentimental background music and captions explaining the circumstances of a family: the...

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