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Driving Miss Dorothy

Driving Miss Dorothy

I write this amidst the serenity of the Prince of Peace Abbey monastery in Oceanside, CA. My eyelids feel a bit heavier than usual this evening, seemingly bearing the weight and pressure of some emotional exhaustion. A dear friend, Dorothy Byrne, who passed away on...

Prayer: How Do You Pray?

Prayer: How Do You Pray?

There was once a day when the best prayer I had in my arsenal was more or less a negotiation tactic. A bargaining with God, you could say. “God, if you get me out of this mess, I promise to be a good boy,” was more or less the deal I was willing to make when I found...

The Happiness of Pursuit

The Happiness of Pursuit

Nearly 2,000 years ago a carpenter from Bethlehem sat in front of a large crowd of people on a mountainside and had a lot to say. He began his share by stating: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:3) To be poor in spirit...

Driving Miss Dorothy

Driving Miss Dorothy

I write this amidst the serenity of the Prince of Peace Abbey monastery in Oceanside, CA. My eyelids feel a bit heavier than usual this evening, seemingly bearing the weight and pressure of some emotional exhaustion. A dear friend, Dorothy Byrne, who passed away on...

Prayer: How Do You Pray?

Prayer: How Do You Pray?

There was once a day when the best prayer I had in my arsenal was more or less a negotiation tactic. A bargaining with God, you could say. “God, if you get me out of this mess, I promise to be a good boy,” was more or less the deal I was willing to make when I found...

The Happiness of Pursuit

The Happiness of Pursuit

Nearly 2,000 years ago a carpenter from Bethlehem sat in front of a large crowd of people on a mountainside and had a lot to say. He began his share by stating: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:3) To be poor in spirit...