Pornography & Sexual Addiction


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5 Strategies for Overcoming an Addiction to Porn & Masturbation

5 Strategies for Overcoming an Addiction to Porn & Masturbation

Before discussing five strategies that help me stay clean with regard to porn and masturbation, let me start by explaining that nothing short of the grace and mercy of God ever worked in helping me experience victory over this ongoing battle, which spanned over 40...

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Theology of the Body and Recovering from the Harm of Pornography

Theology of the Body and Recovering from the Harm of Pornography

"Every man who enters a brothel is looking for God.” This quote, attributed to G.K. Chesterton, is one of the foundational concepts of Saint John Paul II's “Theology of the Body,” which is a collection of talks the pope gave on human sexuality. Theology of the Body...

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