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We are about a week into the time of year that can be considered a “spring training” for Catholics. Lent is an opportunity for us to imitate Christ by renewing our spiritual discipline prior to the glorious resurrection of our Lord on …
In this episode of the Catholic in Recovery podcast, hosts Scott Weeman and Father Sean Kilcawley explore the meaning of anonymity, its origins, and its practical applications in recovery. They also touch on balancing recovery with faith, sharing personal recovery stories, and …
I remember my first run through a recovery program. I did not start with SA (Sexaholics Anonymous) but with a program called Celebrate Recovery (CR), which is a Bible-based 12-step program. Most attendees were non-denominational Christians, those seeking recovery from alcoholism, narcotics, …
In this episode of the Catholic in Recovery podcast, Fr. Sean Kilcawley and Scott Weeman delve into the impact of addiction on families, sharing personal insights and discussing the various ways addiction can manifest within a family. They also explore the different …
Recently, I have been reflecting on how my porn addiction began in the first place. This took me back to a dark place in my life during college, when I had broken up with who I thought was the love of my …
When I stop and look back through the years of my recovery, I can see without a doubt how God has been with me, gently nudging me, pushing me further away from my own desires and toward His desires for me. A …
In this podcast episode, Scott Weeman and Fr. Sean Kilcawley cover the topic of grief and addiction. They discuss how grief can lead to addiction, the stages of grief, dealing with grief while in recovery, and navigating loss and grief in the …
In my own recovery, I have found many helpful tools in St. Ignatius of Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises. I could almost call the Exercises a recovery program for addiction and codependency. Within these exercises, St. Ignatius offers rules for the “discernment of spirits” …
As I have grown in my understanding of sacred Scripture and matured in my relationship with Jesus I have come to appreciate the value of spiritual direction. As Saint Paul reminds us when he tells us, “It is no longer I who …
In the sixth episode of the Catholic in Recovery Podcast, Scott Weeman and Fr. Sean Kilcawley discuss the common experiences and phases of addiction. They go over the different ways addiction can start, the difficulty of identifying and admitting an addiction, and …
The month of March is an important month in the Catholic Church’s liturgical calendar. Not only does this month occur during the Lenten season, but over thirty saints are celebrated over the course of the month’s 31 days. What a gift that …
When a person seeks addiction recovery, they’re usually after one goal—to become free of disordered behaviors and addictions. However, for those of us in CIR, we’re also after another goal. We don’t only strive to stop our addictions, compulsions, or unhealthy attachments …