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Interview with Our Sunday Visitor

Interview with Our Sunday Visitor

Scott Weeman’s trouble with alcohol began as a junior in high school. In college, this habit became destructive. He started drinking and doing drugs every day. He lost his college scholarship and was forced to return home. After treatment when he was 21, he fell in...

Interview on Mater Dei Radio

Interview on Mater Dei Radio

Catholic in Recovery Advocate Evelyn Brush was interviewed on Mater Dei Radio based in Portland, OR. In this interview Evelyn discusses the new meeting being held at Our Lady of Sorrows parish in Portland, and the power of uniting the 12 Step Process with the 7...

Digging out of a Deep Hole

Digging out of a Deep Hole

I have had a long love/hate relationship with school. It has been both a rose and a thorn in my life, getting much more complicated when my addiction to alcohol, drugs, and other attachments ran rampant upon starting my freshman year of college. Growing up, I...

Interview with Our Sunday Visitor

Interview with Our Sunday Visitor

Scott Weeman’s trouble with alcohol began as a junior in high school. In college, this habit became destructive. He started drinking and doing drugs every day. He lost his college scholarship and was forced to return home. After treatment when he was 21, he fell in...

Interview on Mater Dei Radio

Interview on Mater Dei Radio

Catholic in Recovery Advocate Evelyn Brush was interviewed on Mater Dei Radio based in Portland, OR. In this interview Evelyn discusses the new meeting being held at Our Lady of Sorrows parish in Portland, and the power of uniting the 12 Step Process with the 7...

Digging out of a Deep Hole

Digging out of a Deep Hole

I have had a long love/hate relationship with school. It has been both a rose and a thorn in my life, getting much more complicated when my addiction to alcohol, drugs, and other attachments ran rampant upon starting my freshman year of college. Growing up, I...