Rosary Reflections
Develop and strengthen your relationship with Jesus and Mary as you reflect on all 20 mysteries of the rosary. Each mystery has a relevant excerpt from Scripture or a Papal document, a page-long reflection written by a Catholic in Recovery member, and questions to prompt deeper engagement—all through a recovery perspective. The Joyful Mysteries are also available as a stand-alone ebook.
AVAILABILITY | Exclusive to CIR+ members or purchase in the CIR store.

+ Grow closer to Jesus and Mary on your recovery and spiritual journeys.
+ Meditate on each mystery of the Rosary with the aid of recovery-related reflections.
+ Encounter personalized reflections from CIR members who bring their own experience of recovery to each mystery.
+ Each mystery includes reflection questions for individual meditation or group discussion.
Recovery & the Rosary
Beautiful reflections for your recovery journey | Including the Glorious, Joyful, Sorrowful, and Luminous mysteries.
To access the ebook, you’ll need to become a CIR+ member. Once signed up, you’ll be able to download it in the CIR+ “Recovery Center” as well as access other exclusive resources to nourish and sustain you on your recovery and spiritual journeys. You can also purchase the ebook in the CIR store.

CIR’s Digital Resource Platform | Join CIR+ today and you’ll find a community committed to recovery and the sacramental life of the Catholic Church. You’ll benefit from resources to nourish and sustain you on your recovery and spiritual journeys. And your financial support will help Catholic in Recovery offer hope and healing to those recovering from addictions, compulsions, and unhealthy attachments as well as their loved ones.
Plus, you can try CIR+ Premium for free with a 12-day trial and cancel at any time!
+ Discounts on Catholic in Recovery products and CIR partners’ products (Ave Maria Press, Hallow, etc.)
+ Access to robust video learning modules on recovery-related issues
+ Access to the CIR digital workbook companion, which includes videos, prayers, exercises, and worksheets for all 20 sections
+ Access to a CIR community forum to connect with CIR members around the country
+ Access to Q&A Zoom sessions hosted by experienced CIR fellows for different addiction and unhealthy attachment types
+ Access to all CIR reflections books and guides to nourish your recovery and spiritual life